Vienna electric heater is a stylish choice for a modern sauna room. The Vienna heater is a wall-mounted stove, so it frees up valuable space in the sauna room. It is versatile and easy to use. The secret of its popularity is its innovative features. The stone spaces of this heater is adjustable to two different levels, for 12 or 20 kg of stone. A smaller number of stones heats the sauna quickly, while a larger number of stones produces ideal and softly enjoyable steams. This heater is 6,0 kW and it offers efficient steam for 5-9 cubic meter sauna rooms. The Vienna STS and STS Helo-WT models are interchangeable and has a built-in thermostat and timer with a 9-hour preselection area for timing and a 0–3-hour heating time. This stove is suitable for many needs and changing situations. Guaranteed Finnish Helo quality with more than 100 years of experience.
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